WHEELS: Two large rubber-treaded, steel wagon wheels give you better traction and easier mobility to roll the smoker over any terrain.
COMBO SMOKER & GRILL: With a horizontal cooking chamber and a firebox on the side, the smoker is fueled by charcoal and flavored by hardwood splits & chunks, sold separately, to cook low and slow with indirect heat. The 3-burner gas grill is powered by liquid propane gas and runs on a 20-pound propane tank, not included. It has a 36,000 BTU rating, reaches cooking temperatures quickly, delivers high temps and maintains even heat.
COOKING AREA: Smoke up to 2 pork shoulders and grill 12 burgers on the 750-square-inch primary grates. Grill up to 15 wings or 6 burgers on the 281-square-inch firebox grate.
HANDLES: Pivoting cool touch lid & firebox handles move with you when opening & closing the lid.
TOOL HOOKS: Three tool hooks are included to hang your tongs, spatula and other tools, freeing up space on your shelves.
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FRONT & SIDE SHELF: The front and side shelves give you a convenient place to set your tools, sauces and basting bowl while you cook.
ASH PAN: A removable ash pan on the side of the firebox collects ash from the fire and provides easy access to clear out the ashes, making clean-up simple.
WARRANTY: 2 years all parts.
SMOKESTACK & DAMPERS: The adjustable dampers located on the firebox and smokestack allow you to manage heat and smoke levels, providing optimal control and reliable outcomes.
BOTTOM SHELF: The flat bottom shelf with an integrated raised shelf holds your wood splits, accessories & additional fuel to keep the fire burning.